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Monthly Archives: April 2022

A Healthy & Funny Way to Earn Tokens


The number of users of mobile sports applications surrounding our digital world is increasing day by day. With the epidemic, mobile sports applications have become an accessible tool for many users to do sports and stay fit. It is a known situation that many installed applications are deleted without using [...]

A Healthy & Funny Way to Earn Tokens2022-05-27T14:36:24+03:00

Is it Worth Using Mobile Apps that Issue Tokens-2?


In this article, I will continue to examine the relationship between token, fitness and step-taking, which I tried to explain in my previous article, and mobile apps. In this article, I will also include Sweatcoins, Fitlich and STEPN, three apps that I reviewed in my previous article. Of course, this [...]

Is it Worth Using Mobile Apps that Issue Tokens-2?2022-04-13T12:44:10+03:00

How Sync Data between Google Fit with Fitbit


Like many people who take care of their health and do sports, you probably monitor your form with Google Fit. Despite the recent acquisition of Fitbit by Google, syncing your Fitbit data with Google Fit is not an easy task. Although there is no official support for syncing data between [...]

How Sync Data between Google Fit with Fitbit2022-04-13T12:29:42+03:00

Is it Worth Using Mobile Apps that Issue Tokens-1?


The growing trend of fitness and exercise all over the world has also become an incredible source of income for the sports industry. This increase makes itself felt more during the epidemic days when we all have to be stuck at home. Doing some activities and exercises is very important [...]

Is it Worth Using Mobile Apps that Issue Tokens-1?2022-04-12T15:49:00+03:00
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