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Monthly Archives: May 2022

If You Think It’s Too Late to Start Active Sports, You’re Wrong!


A study of more than 30,000 heart patients shows that getting active later in life can be almost as beneficial for survival as prolonged activity or exercise. From the University of Bern, Switzerland, Dr Nathalia Gonzalez says: These encouraging findings highlight how patients with coronary heart disease can benefit by [...]

If You Think It’s Too Late to Start Active Sports, You’re Wrong!2022-05-31T15:45:00+03:00

A Health & Amusing App to Earn Tokens


The number of mobile fitness application users surrounding our digital world is increasing day by day. With the pandemic, mobile fitness apps have become an accessible tool for many users to exercise and stay fit. On the other hand, users identify some applications they downloaded as a psychological factor themselves. [...]

A Health & Amusing App to Earn Tokens2022-05-30T18:22:26+03:00

Can We Overcome the Excuses of Fitness by Increasing our Motivation?


To do or not to do. It’s all that simple (is it?) While some of us do regular exercises for a healthy body and a fit mind, some of us insist on not doing such activities. So why is this the case? The answer lies in neurology and the brain’s [...]

Can We Overcome the Excuses of Fitness by Increasing our Motivation?2022-05-27T14:43:56+03:00
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