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Monthly Archives: July 2022

Taking Fun and Profitable Steps


In this article, I will continue the relationship between token, fitness and stepping and mobile applications, which I tried to explain in my previous article, by examining step applications. Our bodies are ready and we want to exercise or walk and run. All we need right now is a mobile [...]

Taking Fun and Profitable Steps2022-09-23T11:46:50+03:00

The Biology of Muscle Working-5


The Theory of Hypertrophy: Could It Be the Theory of Everything for Muscles? Hypertrophy is the state of constant swelling that occurs in muscle cells, just like the swelling of existing muscles. About 15 hours after working out the muscle and leaving the gym, the size of the muscle cells [...]

The Biology of Muscle Working-52022-07-01T09:52:22+03:00

The Biology of Muscle Working-4


Internal Development Theory One of the data that complicates the Hormone Theory comes from studies of growth hormone supplements. Hormone Theory demonstrates muscle enlargement in those taking growth hormone supplements, based on the claim that hormones such as growth hormone increase muscle mass. However, studies show that if the person [...]

The Biology of Muscle Working-42022-07-01T09:55:02+03:00
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