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Monthly Archives: September 2022

Fitlich Ecosystem; Fitlich App, FBUTE, and Fitlanders NFT Project


A brief explanation of Fitlich Ecosystem; Fitlich App, $FBUTE, and Fitlanders NFT Project. What is Fitlich? Fitlich is a fitness based application (move-to-earn) with a token integration ($FBUTE) for added benefit in order to incentivize users to keep up fitness routines with its social challenges whereby you can challenge friends [...]

Fitlich Ecosystem; Fitlich App, FBUTE, and Fitlanders NFT Project2022-09-23T11:35:15+03:00

What is Fitlanders NFT?


Fitlanders sets out to create a retro Japanese arcade themed virtual fitness world whereby users from all across the globe can commune, workout, play games & buy/sell virtual/real-world products. Fitlanders will be the first project in the 3-part series of NFT mints which will provide minters exclusive unique avatar’s (T=2000) [...]

What is Fitlanders NFT?2022-09-23T11:36:24+03:00
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