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Monthly Archives: June 2022

The Biology of Muscle Working-3


Microtrauma Theory As a result of the realization that there is no direct relationship between lactic acid and muscle growth, a new theory was developed. In this process, more than one competing theory has emerged due to the better recognition of the muscles. According to the Microtrauma Theory, one of [...]

The Biology of Muscle Working-32022-06-24T16:03:52+03:00

The Biology of Muscle Working-2


Muscle Mathematics There are some very basic facts about the development of muscles, so simple that we can almost say “muscle mathematics”. We can collect them in 3 main items: Muscle development depends on the balance between muscle breakdown and muscle building. For a muscle to develop, muscle building must [...]

The Biology of Muscle Working-22022-06-24T12:06:02+03:00

The Biology of Muscle Working-1


The human species is an extremely interesting species that can dominate not only its environment but also its own body, thanks to its high-level cognitive functions. Accordingly, people who have experienced (knowingly or unknowingly) the dynamics of muscle biology have realized that they can develop the 650 or so skeletal [...]

The Biology of Muscle Working-12022-06-24T11:43:49+03:00

How To Avoid NFT Scams?


NFT, one of the last favourites of the digital world is now a concept that almost everyone knows. As NFTs increase in value in the market and users show great interest in this market, the probability of malicious people scamming people is increasing day by day. Let’s examine what NFT [...]

How To Avoid NFT Scams?2022-06-21T17:27:10+03:00

Science of Bodybuilding-6


In the latest article in the Science of Bodybuilding series, we’ve gathered information on muscle training for children and adolescents. About Muscle Training for Children and Adolescents (8–18 Years) There is no consensus in the scientific community about whether or not building muscle at a young age affects height growth. [...]

Science of Bodybuilding-62022-06-10T12:27:07+03:00

Science of Bodybuilding-5


In this article, topics such as how to train muscles and what to pay attention to while working out are explained. In addition, an exemplary bodybuilding program was included for different levels. How to Work Muscle? If the muscle development mechanism is reviewed, it will be seen that the main [...]

Science of Bodybuilding-52022-06-10T11:10:04+03:00

Science of Bodybuilding-4


In this article, I have included information about some supplements needed for bodybuilders. Supplements Bodyworkers often use side drugs and powders because they do not find these proteins enough or because they only want to get proteins from the food. These, if tightly controlled by health departments, have almost no [...]

Science of Bodybuilding-42022-06-10T10:45:32+03:00

Science of Bodybuilding-3


In this part of the article, we focused on the importance of controlled weight loss and diet for bodybuilders. Weight Loss and Control Those who are overweight may lose weight more easily at first because as body mass decreases, energy expenditure also decreases. For example, men who were not overweight [...]

Science of Bodybuilding-32022-06-10T10:47:49+03:00

Science of Bodybuilding-2


We continue where we left off in bodybuilding science. We finished the previous article with protein. We start this article with Fats. Fats Fats are important long-term energy sources for the body. However, since bodybuilders need sugar that is consumed in a short time, they do not include fats in [...]

Science of Bodybuilding-22022-06-10T10:50:34+03:00

Science of Bodybuilding-1


Bodybuilding exposes muscles and tendons throughout the body to gradually increasing resistance. Thus, it is a strength training that tries to increase the size and strength of the skeletal muscles by putting the body under more and more heavy loads. In most cases, gravitational force is used to achieve this [...]

Science of Bodybuilding-12022-06-10T10:49:31+03:00

Why Should You Exercise With Your Friends?


Today, group exercises are getting more and more popular day by day. Almost 40% of people who exercise regularly attend group fitness classes. The benefits of exercise for our health and body have been proven in many scientific studies. Not only the primary effects, but even the secondary effects are [...]

Why Should You Exercise With Your Friends?2022-06-01T13:22:42+03:00
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